tooth whitening - tooth whitening kits - teeth whitening

We are proud to offer you the most advanced home teeth whitening system available anywhere today - Dr George dental treatments, as recommended by the Channel 5 series "The Diet Doctors" and winner of the "Best Buy" teeth whitening product from Love It magazine.
These tooth whitening kits which come complete with tooth whitening gel and everything else you need to make your teeth as white as if you had spend £500 having them professionally done in a Dentist. Dr George's teeth whitening products really are the best you can buy and will promise to give you the desired results - guaranteed !

Why spend £100's in the dentist, when you can buy EXACTLY the same teeth whitening gel as your dentist would use, except you get over 150ml or cc of gel from one single kit, enough for 3-4 weeks of treatment & 5 times more than most kits, this equates to less than 8p per treatment !
Are they safe for my teeth ?
The gel in our kits is Dental surgery strength with a PH level of 6.7 to 7.2 as recomended in a recent Daily Mail feature on teeth whitening gels, meaning there is not a safer or more effective power teeth whitening system on the market at any price .
It is exactly the same gel your dentist will use but without the expensive cost. It has been tested and approved by the FDA, Food & Drugs Administration of America which has very stringent rules. 100,000's of people use Dr George's teeth whitening system everyday and are very proud and happy with the results. See what "Love it" magazine had to say about the kits we sell :-
Independant review
Love It magazine
Love Magazine have reviewed our Dr George teeth whitening kits in their 20-26 of June issue. The kits were given 4 1/2 out of 5 and were recommended as the winner and best buy out of all the kits they tested. The tester says "I saw progress day by day, and the results were very good. My teeth were lighter and brighter, and my mouth felt extremely fresh". 